
CRM & Marketing Automation All-In-One

Generate more leads. Convert them to sales. Optimize your marketing.
An All-In-One Marketing and Sales Platform designed for small to medium sized businesses. 

Recognizing your time constraints we implement our platform for you, requiring a minimal amount of your time to get up and running. All we need is your prospect data and marketing content and we'll setup a live instance of the platform designed specifically for your needs. 

As part of our implementation process we provide live on-line training to you and your staff. Usually our clients are up and running and generating leads in a couple of days.


Sun Bear provides administrative and support services to assist in the implementation of Sun Bear Software within our client's organization.

A significant part of our value to our clients is the customization of their platform as well as integration within our client's larger marketing and sales process. 

Sun Bear's implementation services focus not only on implementing the application in a manner that reflects the company's specific needs, but providing advice and consultation regarding best practices companies can employ to meet their functional requirements.


Selecting the right marketing automation system is only part of the solution for success. With Sun Bear Software, you get more than pre- and post-implementation support. We help you fit marketing automation platform into your business processes and technology environment, ensure your users are able to use the system effectively, and continue to assess and enhance your system over time.

We've created our service offerings by drawing on extensive customer experience across diverse industries to identify marketing automation and lead generation best practices and processes. 

As a result, you can trust Sun Bear to guide you through the phases of an implementation and to help you make the right decisions about ongoing performance.

Sun Bear provides the training needed to meet rapid implementation time frames, maximize the efficiency of users and support high adoption rates.


Implementing a marketing automation platform can sometimes seem like a daunting task, but our team really makes it quite easy. 

Once you decide to implement Sun Bear our team works closely with you to manage and implement an instance of the platform customized to meet your needs. 

Essentially all we need from you to start are: 
  • The initial prospect/customer files we’ll use to build the database. 
  • Content for your initial emails and landing pages. 
  • Question/Answers we’ll use to build the initial forms on your landing pages. 
  • Qualification rules (what qualifies as a lead). 
  • List of users and roles. 
That’s It! We use this information to build a working version of the platform allowing rapid startup and providing you with templates to setup your own campaigns, email templates, landing pages, forms, etc.

We then work with you to customize the platform to meet your specific needs in terms of data capture, work flow, reporting, etc. 

Usually our clients are up and running and generating leads in a couple of days! 

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